Austin Healy (after Whistler)
Portrait of Artist's Mother by James Whistler
Image of a vintage Austin Healy automobile
Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 24" x 31"
Artist's Insights:
Q. Whistler's mother certainly seems more comfortable driving a car than she is sitting in a straight chair in a somber room.
A. I was glad to see that the convertible cover added shades of pink to augment the hint of the pink color on her lips and cheeks. Also I liked that the intricately spoked wheels pick up on the lacy hat. But I still wasn't satisfied with the composition and added the yellow traffic light above.
Original for sale. Print options available.
Portrait of Artist's Mother by James Whistler
Image of a vintage Austin Healy automobile
Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 24" x 31"
Artist's Insights:
Q. Whistler's mother certainly seems more comfortable driving a car than she is sitting in a straight chair in a somber room.
A. I was glad to see that the convertible cover added shades of pink to augment the hint of the pink color on her lips and cheeks. Also I liked that the intricately spoked wheels pick up on the lacy hat. But I still wasn't satisfied with the composition and added the yellow traffic light above.
Original for sale. Print options available.